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Die 2002er CD “Waitin’ For Me” mit Mr Jones Original-Songs und zwei Coversongs, aufgenommen in Houston, TX, USA in der Besetzung: Mr Jones, James Gilmer (percussion), Mike Sumler (piano, organ), Eric Taylor (harmony vocal, guitar, bass), Susan Lindfors (harmony vocal), Elaina Richardson (harmony vocal); produced by Eric Taylor.
The 2002 CD „Waitin‘ For Me“ with Mr Jones original songs and two covers, recorded in Houston, TX, USA with Mr Jones, James Gilmer (percussion), Mike Sumler (piano, organ), Eric Taylor (harmony vocal, guitar, bass), Susan Lindfors (harmony vocal), Elaina Richardson (harmony vocal) and produced by Eric Taylor.
Weitere Details zur CD finden Sie bei discogs!
Further details for the CD can be found at discogs!
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